Written by: Rachel Cunio

The Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) process can be complicated and emotional. Fortunately for women seeking to begin the APR process in Southwest Ohio, Elizabeth’s New Life Center is ready to help. The basic APR process looks like this:

  1. A woman calls the APR hotline seeking to reverse the chemical abortion, commonly referred to as a medical abortion, she just began by taking the first pill (or both pills) in the abortion process. 
  2. The APR hotline contacts one of ENLC’s Women’s Centers with the woman’s information.
  3. The Manager of the Women’s Center initiates the APR protocol, coordinating with the woman and local physician to facilitate getting the progesterone treatment the woman needs to attempt to reverse the effects of the abortion pill. Clients typically receive progesterone treatment within a few hours of their initial contact with the APR hotline.
  4. The Women’s Centers provide free ultrasounds for the woman as needed according to the physician’s orders.


The medical coordination aspect of the APR protocol is an extremely important and time sensitive aspect of the reversal process. However, the true value of the Women’s Centers’ role in the APR process is the relationship our consultants build with the clients. When a woman comes into our center seeking to reverse her abortion decision, she often exhibits feelings of shame, emotional pain, and regret. 


At the Women’s Centers, our consultants recognize the true bravery of a woman seeking help. We come alongside her, affirming her decision to choose life and helping her sort through every little thing in her mind and heart. Together, we journey towards emotional and spiritual healing as she seeks to find closure with her experience of taking the abortion pill and immediately changing her mind. 


Sometimes, the healing begins after the birth of the child who would have been aborted if not for the APR protocol. Then our Women’s Center consultants get to enjoy every baby milestone along with the mothers. One client whose baby was saved through our participation in the APR process brings her baby to the Women’s Center every month to visit with staff!


Healing is much more difficult, however, when the baby does not survive the abortion pill, despite the APR process. In those cases, women struggle to understand how to find healing in a world that applauds their decision to abort, despite their immediate regret. Women whose babies do not survive the abortion pill reversal process often feel that they have failed as mothers. The Women’s Center consultants are there for the women through all the ups and downs of that journey. One APR client who lost her baby was met with open arms by our consultants. The client told us that she had been fighting for her baby’s life since the moment she took the first abortion pill. Our Women’s Center was the first place she felt understood and affirmed by her decision to attempt to reverse the abortion. After she lost her baby, one of our consultants was able to reach out and provide additional support to the client, which was a moving experience for both the consultant and the client.


Since ENLC’s first APR client in 2018, our Women’s Centers have served 10 courageous women seeking to reverse their medical abortions. Because ENLC is part of the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, at least six babies have been saved. No matter the pregnancy outcome, there is joy in meeting the brave women who seek to reverse their abortion decisions. It is an honor for ENLC to be part of the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, allowing us to serve women with every little thing that the Lord asks of them.